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Good work, great meaning.
Just a hint: to make it more enjoyable you should make available the first four items at the start, so the "player" can choose the order, and when all the tools have been used make the last tool available to break the wall.
Even if it is not a game, let the user choice which tool use first make it more entertaining and the users will stay till the end without find it "guided too much".

Thank you for this work :)

(1 edit)

Thank you for your comment. These tools (at least the first ones) appear in the order that I actually used them in real-life on this actual wall in the basement - so, the linearity is intentional.

Very interesting :)
Good job.


It's pretty weird to read about swastikas, but to see a harmless cross on the wall.  But I liked the message


i just read that since 2018 this symbol would be allowed in video games.  i didn't know about that, but still as i said, i also don't want to reproduce it.