ah yeah, regarding the point&click adventure... (((a little update from a person who is usually a bit overwhelmed, and very anxious, and gets lost inside their skull very regularly, and has a tendency of overworking themself)))

ok, umm... i have a lot of browser tabs open right now, since a long while, both in my head and on my cömpütörs.

i wrote in december 2022 that i would publish the point&click adventure that this project originated from, that it was actually supposed to be, in the next year meaning 2023. as it is now nearly the end of 2023, this apparently and sadly hasn't happend as of now and i probably will not find time for it this year.

still, this project isn't dead, and certainly will, like all the other things I'VE EVER TEASERED, happen at some point in the future. it really has been a different mode for me the last ~year to getting used to actually producing artistic things for university, and that also have to fit certain topics and themes and discourses, and not just keyboardsmashing some random paper or essay about something, like i've been used to doing before.

i can already assert that judging by my goals i initially had for 2023, and by the artistic goals that i've set myself reaching until the end of 2024, i definitely underdelivered. but the good thing about too ambitious goals is that, despite disappointing yourself all the time, you probably still have an outcome that from an outside perspective seems like you've still done quite a lot (◕‿◕✿)

i'm working on 2+ games for my itch.io page right now (and some others that are delayed), and i also have a whole lot of other projects and writings to do.

i really do hope that my overwhelming to-do-list will better a bit when life & university stop throwing things at me, which i am very positive will at least partially happen next year when graduating. and maybe after lots of years i will even have a day of genuine freetime where my mind isn't occupied with work, that would be a cool thing as well, i guess.

so yeah, here, take this meme that i've just jamessomertonized from the internet without giving credit, but whose origins might be lost anyways due to internet user's habits of mindless copy & pasting (and maybe that's also okay to a certain extend, at least for this specific kind of content):

Get 24 scenes of an evening coming of age. an advent calendar.

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